Monday, September 7, 2009

Jacquie/ Essay #1 Evidence that Suggests God Exists

I couldn’t possibly put forth every argument for why God exists in a 150-200 word essay, but what I can do is outline experts’ arguments. In fact, when one looks at the evidence that God exists, it is easier to believe than the argument that God does not exist. The Atheist actually has a hard job in proving the non-existence of God, and I would challenge the Atheist to not only refute the arguments presented (arguments presented by some theologians and scholars, whose works I have suggested at the end of this essay in a suggested reading or video viewing list), but after refuting the arguments, then present evidence that God does not exist. Finally, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and I will offer experts’ evidence and personal testimony to that effect, without going into the individual denominations of Christianity.

In the beginning of the Universe, there was nothing. How can something come from nothing without a timeless, changeless Creator?
The plausibility of intelligent life-sustaining circumstances to occur naturally within the Universe are so infinitesimal, scientists argue that this fact alone is one of science’s biggest arguments for a Creator.
If there is no God, why are there objective moral values? If there is no God, and humans are just a relatively new bi-product of dust and elements that will die individually and collectively in a relatively short period of time, how can objective moral values exist, which they do?
God clearly revealed himself in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as evidenced by historical accounts, eyewitnesses including believers and non-believers, his ministry of miracles, and personal testimony of the living spirit throughout the last 2000 years. No other religion identifies God coming to his people and reconciling Himself to them through overcoming death.
Finally, there is personal testimony. ”Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the Glory of God?’” (John 11:40) And, I can personally attest to the fact that believers in God experience a change spiritually and physically, as promised in the Bible. You could call me a witness for God and the evidence of the Holy Spirit is manifested in my life in many ways. Thousands of others who have intelligently investigated the claims of Christ can say the same.

References: The Great Debate: Atheism vs. Christianity. William Lane Craig vs. Frank Zindler - 2:20:27 - Aug 22, 2008

Books: Mere Christianity, By C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christ, By Lee Strobel .

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